As of September 1, 2009 the number of Azerbaijani POWs, hostages and missing persons from the Karabakh war totals 4,166 people, Azerbaijan State Commission for POWs, Hostages and Missing Persons.
Total of 3,364 of them are servicemen and 796 – civilians (7 are unknown).
Total of 47 of civilians were children (16 underage girls) in the time of missing, 255 – women, 354 – old persons (152 women).
There are reports and witness evidences that 783 people were captured and taken hostages.
Total of 1,396 were released; 343 of them are women, 1053 – men, 169 – children (65 underage girls) and 289 old people(112 women).
The commission found out that 552 people were killed or died in the captivity. As many as 104 of them are women and 447 – men. Total of 137 of them were identified and 74 remained unknown.
Working Group at the commission ascertained fate of 50 missing people and removed their names from the list of missing.
It was clarified that 18 of them survived during the battles and sieges, 20 were killed and their bodies were recognized and buried, 8 people was included in the list repeatedly and four people became missing outside of the conflict zone.