Google has launched a music search service for internet users in the United States that will provide information about artists and quick access to licensed music providers.
The new search feature on will allow people to find songs, even if they know only a few of the lyrics, by simply typing a line or two, reported.
"People searching for an artist, song or album will get what they are looking for right at the top of their search results, with links to audio previews and the option to purchase music from Google's music search partners MySpace and Lala," Google said.
The internet company said the new feature was designed to help users find music and help artists, labels, songwriters and music publishers by driving traffic to licensed online music services. Google has not struck any revenue-sharing deals with labels as part of the new service. Instead it says the feature is merely a search function linking people up with existing legal music sites.
"Lots of people search for music through Google, so it made sense for us to find a way to get them to the content they're looking for faster," said Tom Stocky, Google's director of product management.
"The best answer to a query is frequently not a web page but a map, a video, an image or some other kind of content. This launch makes search better by adding music to the list of things we can connect people to speedily, as well as providing a revenue source for artists, labels and others."