Day.Az interview with Director of Environmental Protection Department under the Azerbaijan Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Khaligverdi Huseynov.
Despite efforts to tighten control over illegal felling of trees, such cases still take place. What can you say about this?In the current year, certain work was implemented in this field. One of the main activities of our department is to protect greenery in Baku and Absheron Peninsula.
A total of 554 acts and 179 protocols were drawn for illegal felling of trees and improper care of greenery over the last 11 months. With regard to water and air pollution, relevant authorities registered 2,100 acts and 788 protocols for the same period of time. Sanctions were imposed for all violations. They are yielding very good results. Cases of felling of trees has decreased significantly. The number of planted trees greatly exceeds the number of cut.
Sanctions against offenders were used in the past, but it caused no specific changes. How is the current state of affairs?As I mentioned above, over the past years illegal felling of green spaces has declined. Relevant orders and requirements towards some responsible organizations were of a great help.
Of course, we fined offenders in the past but sometimes it did not give desired results. But the situation has changed now. The Penal Code provides penalties worth 4,000-5,000 manat for businesses and 600-800 manat for physical persons. However, I believe that these measures should further tighten.
What measures are being taken to prevent felling of trees in the olive grove?As you know, once trees were left unattended. During this period trees were often cut down and lands were sold for construction purposes.
Currently there are no cases of illegal felling of trees in these areas. However, there is a problem of improper care for green spaces. This is tantamount to cutting. We try to address this problem.
In your opinion, what is the major reason for the tree felling in the city?Trees are cut down by individuals in most cases. The most common reason is construction of a facility (garage or shop).
Sometimes we cannot find an offender even through law enforcement agencies. Not only we, but also municipalities and the executive branch of the city are also responsible to exercise proper control.
What are your future plans? We are now developing a work plan for next year. We plan to tighten requirements for emissions of waste to nature. We plan stage public awareness campaign on environmental protection together with other self-government bodies in Baku’s districts.
R. Ashrafli