According to last year's four decisions, the European Court fined the Azerbaijani government in the amount of 30,725 euros.
Information on the control over execution of decisions of the European Court of Human Rights is contained in the third report of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.
The report says that in 2009 the Committee of Ministers reviewed 13 cases related with Azerbaijan. This makes 81% of all cases on the republic and 0.2% of the reviewed total cases.
In 2009, 1515 decisions were taken in connection with violation of the European Convention on Human Rights, and the Committee of Ministers was instructed to control the execution. Thus, the number of cases, which are under control, has reached 7,881. The amount of compensation paid to victims in 2009, amounted to 54 million euros.
The European Court made 289 decisions on Turkey, 268 on Russia in 2009. The European Court made 28 decisions on Moldova - and fined it worth 14,218,626 euros.