Azerbaijan is planning to take part in the CIS championship-the European Cup named after Konstantin Yeremenko on mini-football (futsal) held in the season of 2013/2014.
"This is by no way an international league! We are experienced people and we understand that such leagues can damage national championships", the Moscow News quotes president of the Russian Association of Mini-Football Semen Andreyev as saying "The Eurasian cup will be held on par with the Russian championship and UEFA cup.
The contest will consist of the group stage and the Final of Four. Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Belarus and Latvia reiterated their interest".
The composition of the first Yeremenko Cup will be composed of the representatives of these countries and three clubs of Russia. It is planned that it starts in August and finishes in March 2014. It will involve 8 clubs. But then in line with the plans of the organizers, the contest will be expanded to both the West and the East.
"There is an interest of the Czech clubs and today they called me with the questions from China", Semen Andreyev said.