"Currently, more than 10,500 Azerbaijanis live in Chelyabinsk oblast of Russia with 3,500 settled in the city of Chelyabinsk and 7,000 across the oblast area,” head of Azerbaijani community in Chelyabinsk and Azerbaijani culture center “Ozan” Rafael Guliyev said.
"It is gratifying that today Azerbaijanis in the Chelyabinsk oblast are involved not only in trade but also in medicine, education and in mining industry," Guliyev added.
The 10th anniversary of the “Ozan” culture center was celebrated recently and "Decade of Friendship of Peoples of the Chelyabinsk oblast and Azerbaijan" was launched on this occasion.
"I would like to note that the recent events in Moscow in no way affected the relationship between Chelyabinsk people and Azerbaijanis. Generally speaking, Chelyabinsk region is home to representatives of 132 nations and conflicts on ethnic grounds are impossible here," Guliyev noted.