"Your Corner" is exactly what you think it is - your stories, pictures, art, and pretty much everything else you can share with the rest. Share with the rest & let yourself be known.

As a part of our special “Your Corner” project, our reader from New Zealand,
Galib Mahmudov, sent us a very interesting fact.
How often do you see strange things being sold at online auctions? Well, if not too often, this is your lucky day. A man from New Zealand is selling two vials, which, according to him, contain the spirits, captured by an exorcist. The spirits were captured in the man’s own house. According to him, one of the spirits is an old man, who died in that house back in the 1920’s. The other spirit is of a young girl, who (according to the exorcist) is very powerful, and likes to move things around.
You can take a look at this sale here:
Captured Ghosts for saleWhether it’s a joke or a truth, still remains a mystery. The fact is, that the price for these vials is going up. The auction is to close on 8th of March. Captured ghosts, anyone?
Click picture to enlarge:

Don’t forget that you also have an opportunity to share something of
your own with us, and the rest of the readers. Whether it’s an
interesting episode of your everyday life, some sort of art, glamorous
photos, videos, bizarre – weird – breaking news, interesting
interviews, your own written science fiction tale, a sad love story or
even a poem – share with the rest & let yourself be known.
board reserves the right to publish your sent material, or skip it,
based on our policies. When sending your material, please choose one of
the following:
real life stories,
own written story (fiction),
other. Also, please provide the full name we should credit
the material for, and a short description of the material itself.
All of the materials are to be sent here:
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