Eye-witness of Gara Kemer (Black Belt) operation and the doctor of First Medical Aid Station Kamran Abdullayev gave testimony. He said that he was taken to Keshle by National Security Ministry (NSM) officers. "The officers entered the house. There was a body of a man. He was dead. There were a lot of registered car numbers and cell phone cards. As a doctor I knew that he committed suicide. Officers said that it was a house of gang member. There also was a woman in the house. 3-4 day after it I signed a protocol made on my testimonies," he said.
Another eye-witness Evaz Mammadov, the doctor's assistant confirmed above said in his testimony. He said that the man was said to be killed for his resistance to officers.
Then Ruslan Dadashov, the witness of AFFA President Fatulla Huseynov's murder
gave testimony. "I heard fire at morning hours. The door of Fatulla Huseynov's car was opened and I heard his week voice. I called for first medical aid and police," he said.
Then International Bank Sebayel branch officers gave testimonies on giving illegal credits and forged documents by Elchin Aliyev.
The trial will continue on November 3, APA reports.