In Pirekishkul district, a plant will be constructed to process radioactive wastes.
The new plant will be a new enterprise in Azerbaijan, as well as in South Caucasus which will provide cleaning of the territories from radioactive wastes and protection of atmosphere.
The other name of the plant will be “Baku Izotop Center”, the construction of which had already been started. The construction is implemented by the repair-construction enterprise #62, won in the tender.
According to, the information given to APA the plant is built by the grant of European Union. By the financial support of this organization in Azerbaijan administrative building of the center laboratory has been constructed within the frame of project “Extreme Aid Program”, implemented in Azerbaijan. 1.540.8 thousand euros were allocated to the construction of the plant in its financial memorandum signed with Azerbaijan government on 3rd trench of European Union program. EU takes the charge to supply the plant with various monitor and radiometer instruments./APA/