"The BTC pipeline tariffs for the project participants will be formed in accordance with the volumes of oil pumped by each company, but in average they will be from $3 to $4 per barrel during the whole BTC operations period. For the third parties they will be determined at separate talks and will depend on the quality of their oil," Mr. Nassirov said, Kazakhstan Today correspondent reports.
President of "BP-Azerbaijan" (BTC project operator) in his turn observed that the average tariff during the whole BTC operations period should not be less than $3 per barrel. "There will be one size of the tariff for the pipeline owners and another for shippers," Mr. Woodward said.
At the earliest phase of the project implementation the BTC pipeline tariffs were assessed by the SOCAR to be at the level of $2.58 per barrel.
The total expenditures for the oil pipeline construction will amount to $4 billion. "Apart from the expenditures for the load of 10 million barrels and the credit servicing, the expenditures for the BTC pipeline construction amounted to $3.9 billion, including 25% borne by Azerbaijan," Executive Director of "AZBTC Co" said.