As APA reports, the opening price of the morning session held in the BEST (Bourse E-system of trades) was AZN 0.8990/USDand interbank deals closed on USD/AZN T+0 tool constituted $2.285 and average rate of manat against USD rose 0.0004 and equaled AZN0.8886/USD at the end of the session.
Interbank deals closed on USD/AZN T+0 tool in the day session of BEST formed $5.5mn and average rate of manat was AZN 0.8890/$1.
So, as results of the both sessions, volume of BEST equaled $7.290mn or AZN 6 480 238 on USD/AZN tool.
Each bargain was on average $1.215mn.
No bargains were closed by dealers on USD/AZN T+1, T+2 and SWAP_USD/AZN tools, because there was no demand for it. No bids on EUR/AZN and RUB/AZN tools were made by banks.
]In the interbank credit market operating within the BEST system BakIBOR index calculated on the basis of bids by banks having the status of market-maker formed 14.71% per annum on manat and 14.67% per annum on US dollar on 90-day tool.
No interbank bargains on credit tools were signed in the whole day.