In his remarks, Ramil Usubov, the Internal Affairs Minister, noted that during the Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan the Internal Forces like other law-enforcement bodies showed selflessness in defense of our territories and liberation of lands, Trend reports.
According to Usubov, the Azerbaijani leadership keeps social security of the staff of the Internal Forces in the center of the attention. Over the last several years the Internal Forces decisively participated in prevention of some mass illegal actions, aimed against the statehood. Besides, the Minister mentioned the role of the Internal Forces in the defense of the national interests and internal peace in the country.
Over the last time the military units of the Internal Forces formed groups from professional officers of special-purpose and appointed high wage for them. As a result of the measures the Internal Forces ensured organization of military trainings, provision of military units with modern arms and special means in the high level.
The officers of the Internal Forces were granted with premiums at the end of the event.