Milli Majlis Socio-policy commission chief Hadi Rajabli told the APA that if the amendments are adopted, then New Year ( January 1-2), Women's day (March 8), Victory Day (May 9), Republic Day (May 28), Salvation Day (June 15), Armed Units Day ( June 26), Independence Day (October 18), Constitution Day (November 12), Revival Day (November 17), Solidarity Day of World Azerbaijanis (December 31) will be days off. Besides, five days in Novruz, two days in Kurban Holiday, and two days in Ramadan Holiday are considered to be days off.
"On holidays the workers can be involved to work only in exception cases considered by Labour Code. Novruz Holiday, Kurban Holiday and Ramadan Holiday will be defined by relevant organs and the results will be announced to the people. If rest days fall on the same day with holidays, then, the day after the holiday will be non-working day."
The chief of the commission said that the amendments to Labour code will be discussed in parliament soon.