Major Imdad Talibov faced charges on articles 311.3.1 (bribery by an organized group), 341.2.1 (abuse of power and exceeding power), Capitan Vugar Azizov faced charges on articles 178 (roguishness), 311.3.1, 331.2, civilian Allahverdi Yolchuyev faced charges on article 312.2 (giving bribe).
According to the indictment, Yolchuyev gave Talibov and Azizov $250 and AZN50 for illegally bringing sturgeon from Georgia on November 12, 2006.
The defendants gave testimonies after the indictment was declared. Talibov admitted his guilt, but Azizov and Yolchuyev denied the charges.
The process will continue on April 27, APA reports.