Roundtable "Russia and Azerbaijan – through expansion of inter-regional co-operation to strengthen strategic partnership” has wrapped up in Baku.
Addressing the forum Nazim Ibrahimov, chairman of the Azerbaijan State Committee for Diaspora Affairs, claimed that Azerbaijani diaspora in Russia should assist to strengthen friendly relationships between the two countries.
“In work with our diaspora organizations in Russia, we consider consolidation of political, economic and cultural ties between our countries a priority,” Ibrahimov stated.
After Russia made a decision to restrict number of foreign labour migrants, the Azerbaijani President commissioned the Committee to deal with solution of problems of citizens working on the territory of Russia.
“That is why diaspora organizations operating in Russia set up operative offices to tackle our co-citizens’ problems in issues of registration and further stay on the Russian territory,” Ibrahimov said.
Diaspora organizations also founded legal assistance centres to settle problems of Azerbaijani citizens in Russia.