On May 25, 2010, President Obama announced the nomination of Matthew Bryza as the new Ambassador to Azerbaijan. (See the nomination text here:
On May 26, 2010, the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) issued a press release and an action letter to oppose Bryza's nomination, in order to prevent the development of U.S.-Azerbaijan relations, to create more friction, inhibit democratization, push Azerbaijan away from pro-Western course, and pulling Azerbaijan down from its status as a strategic ally to a level of Armenia (which suffered from U.S. neglect due to having no U.S. Ambassador for over a year, thanks to irrational obstructionism by the Armenian diaspora). See ANCA's action letter here: (
That same day, May 26, the USAN released its statement supporting President Obama's nomination of Matthew Bryza as the new U.S. Ambassador to Azerbaijan. As part of this statement, USAN has also prepared the following Action Letter, which all of our members and other U.S. voters can send to their Senators and Vice President Biden.
USAN would also want to recall its August 28, 2009 letter to Sec. of State Hillary Clinton, in which it criticized Armenian lobby's obstructionism (the letter can be read here:
"Taking note of the unwarranted and baseless pressure on the White House and State Department, particularly on the U.S. Minsk Group co-chair Matthew Bryza, by the Armenian interest groups, we would like to remind that the U.S. has been an active negotiator from 1992, yet despite some efforts, the ongoing military occupation of Nagorno-Karabakh and other regions of Azerbaijan by Armenia and its ethnic cleansing against some 600,000 Azerbaijanis, has not been reversed.Hence, USAN and the Azerbaijani-Americans are perplexed by the criticism coming from the Armenian side towards the U.S. Government, starting with President Obama, and State Department officials, such as Mr. Bryza." The "objections" that the Armenian lobby raises in its propaganda attempts to once again derail the foreign policy and national interests of U.S., are especially obnoxious considering the following Presidential Determination (PD) by then President William J. Clinton to the Secretary of State, signed in January 1998 and then again in December 1998:
"The actions taken by the government of Armenia in the context of the conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh are inconsistent with the territorial integrity and national sovereignty principles of the Helsinki Final Act. Armenia supports Nagorno-Karabakh separatists in Azerbaijan both militarily and financially. Nagorno-Karabakh forces, assisted by units of the Armenian armed forces, currently occupy the Nagorno-Karabakh region and surrounding areas in Azerbaijan. This violation and the restoration of peace between Armenia and Azerbaijan have been taken up by the OSCE." Please take action, don't allow the Armenian lobby to derail the positive process for our country, the United States, to have its new Ambassador in our ancestral homeland, Azerbaijan. Make sure your Senators hear from you and your family -- send a variation of this letter and follow-up with a phone call to the local and Washington DC offices of your members of Senate.
USAN Board of Directors./Today.Az/