On June 24th, in California, in San Jose' Peace and Justice Center, Azerbaijani doctor Parvin Ahanchi will talk about violent conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan that took place from February 1988 to May 1994 in Daghliq Garabagh, Sovereign Azerbaijani territory.

As a result of this undeclared war, just under 20% of Azerbaijan territory was occupied and one million Azeris were internal displaced. Widespread ethnic cleansing has followed. A very rich cultural heritage of the region, which goes back to the centuries, has been destroyed and damaged.
Currently this issue is one of the “frozen conflicts” in the Caucasus geopolitic region. Despite the US and other European countries having a deep interest in Azerbaijani oil, their real actions towards resolving this conflict are minimal. Ongoing actions by the US and Russia prolong this conflict and cause instability across the Caucasus.
Parvin Ahanchi was born in Shusha, Azerbaijan. She received her doctoral degree in history from M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1993. She is a Leading Researcher at the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences - Institutes of History and Archaeology and Ethnography. During the 2008-2009 academic year Dr.Ahanchi was a Fulbright scholar and Honorary Fellow in the Central Asian Studies Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and University of California-Davis. /Today.Az/