Elections to the Advisory Council for Berlin-Brandenburg Integration and Migration affairs took place here on December 5. The Advisory Council member associations and those who were nominated for candidacy for the coming legislature period (2011-2016) in Berlin Province took part at the elections.
The nominees to the Advisory Council were divided into seven groups: immigrants with German origin, the European Union, the non-European member countries, the Far East-Africa-America-Australia, Near East and Central East- Pakistan-India, Turkey, and non-regional group.
After secret voting, the Coordination Center of Azerbaijanis in Germany (CCAG) as a Diaspora organization was included to the public list of the Advisory Council of Berlin Province for this year. The Center, thus, has gained the right to take part at the elections of Advisory Council as a representative of immigrants in Germany.
In non-regional group, Azerbaijani compatriot Jalili Maku Habib was elected to the Advisory Council. He was the third among eight candidates. Of which, four had the right to be elected.
Executive director of CCAG Samira Patzer-Ismailo took part in secret voting. Resident with Azeri origin for the first time is being elected to the Advisory Council on Berlin-Brandenburg Integration and Migration affairs.