Wannabe bank-robbers in Germany were forced to leave empty-handed after a slight misjudgement over the amount of explosives needed meant they destroyed the whole bank - except for the thing with the money inside.
The bank destruction took place in the northeastern German village of Malliss (which, if it only got a little bigger, would be a town called Malliss). The bank was reduced to a pile of rubble and its roof completely obliterated by the night-time explosion, while cars and buildings up to 100 metres away were damaged. However, in the ruins of the bank, there was one thing left completely intact: the cash machine.
'The explosion was so big, they had to run away without the money,' said local police spokesman Niels Borgmann.
'Something evidently didn't work the way the robbers wanted it to,' he added with masterful understatement.
Nobody is thought to have been injured in the blast. Police are still hunting for the culprits.