On March 9 with the aim of monitoring for execution of obligations taken by Azerbaijan before the Council of Europe, the first session of Social Monitoring Commission for execution of obligations created with the support of Soros Foundation.

It was reported by the President of Democracy Development Fund in Azerbaijan, the deputy chairman of People's Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA-reformers) Fuad Mustafayev.
As to his words OMK includes more than 30 social organizations and authorities. It was planned that the project will be realized during 6 months. In the limits of project the conferences, round tables will be carried out, the execution of obligations will be made public.
F.Mystafayev further noted that summarizing discussions on the results of monitoring will be carried out in September and also collection of obligations fulfilled by Azerbaijan will be prepared. Then this collection reflecting a real panorama of the fulfilled obligations will be presented to the society.