Europe Union of Azerbaijani Political Migrants (EUAPM) established by a group of Azerbaijanis in Netherlands refutes the information spread about the cooperation of this organization with Alekram Hummetov.

APA was informed of it by deputy chairman of EUAPM Eldeniz Yusibov. The deputy chairman stated that the organization is composed of the members of Musavat, Vahdat, ADP, APFP and other parties: "We never had talks with leader of separatists intending to separate Azerbaijan Alekram Hummetov about any kind of cooperation".
E.Yusibov also stated that Talish National Movement has been established in Netherlands on April 10 this year and A.Hummetov was elected as head of this movement: "EUAPM protest against it completely. We have addressed the state organizations of Netherlands, international organizations in the country, Council of Europe about this organization being separatist organ against the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. We have discussed this matter with the associate of ambassador of Azerbaijan on Benelux countries Fuad Hummetov after the protest action held in Brussels against Armenian terror on April 23. We demanded attitude to the matter on a state level. Be sure that we shall fight with those who are against the independence and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan".