Yesterday President Ilham Aliyev received the delegation of International Rescue Committee (IRC).

The information was given to APA from the information service of President's office. President stated that he had information about the meetings held by the delegation and evaluated their mission to render aid to refugees and displaced people as an intelligent mission.
Ilham Aliyev reminded that 20% of Azerbaijan territories are occupied by Armenian s and that we have more than 1 million refugees and displaced people. State leader noted that new settlements are constructed for refugees and displaced people and stressed that they have moved from refugee camps to the settlements of modern types with all conveniences: "Complete regulation of this matter will be possible after Armenian troops leave the territories of Azerbaijan, refugees and displaced people are back to their homelands".
IRC president George Rupe stated that since the first day of activity the committee has the purpose to render aid to more than one million refuges and displaced people of Azerbaijan.
The activity of the committee in our country widened: "Currently we participate in the development of economy in most regions of Azerbaijan". G.Rupe appreciated the works done for simplifying the registration of NGO in Azerbaijan.