Ships of Russian Military Navigation don't let "Maestro Niyazi" and "Natevan" ships belonging to Caspian Sea Navigation Office from Volga-Don channel to Caspian Sea.

It's been several days that, the ships are waiting for permission to enter Caspian Sea.
The reasons of keeping the ships are not explained, the fact that, this step was done directly by the order of Russian government was certified. Caspian Navigation Office refuted the information about the possibility of keeping ships because of tariffs.
"The reasons of keeping "Maestro Niyazi" and "Natevan" ships in Azov port of Rostov city of Russia are not evident to us. We don't think that it is closed with tariffs because the prices applied to Azerbaijan for pass through Volga-Don channel are high anyway. Russian side didn't inform us about any increase of price. This may be closed with desire of Russia to reduce the speed of Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline construction". This was stated to APA by the chief of information and media department of Caspian Sea Navigation Office Vugar Sadigov. According to him, the ships are loaded with materials needed for the construction of main export pipeline. Vugar Sadigov stated that, it's been a week that ships are kept in Azov port.
"Russia doesn't want to explain the reasons of not permitting the pass of ships bringing cargo to Baku through Volga-Don channel. Appeal made by the first deputy of Prime Minister Abbas Abbasov to the prime minister of Russia some time before remained without reply".
V.Sadigov stated that, Russia limited the move of the ships of foreign countries in its internal waters since 1994. So, since that year, Azerbaijan gets permission annually for the move in internal waters of Russia. On November 24 Azerbaijan applied for getting permission from Russia. But Russia hasn't yet responded to our appeal. And it is known, how much will the ships be kept in Azov port.
V.Sadigov stated that, it hasn't yet been determined, what measures will be done for bringing the ships to Baku.