President Ilham Aliyev today addressed Jewish community of Azerbaijan.

Stating that the progressive mankind marks the day of Misfortune and Heroism of Jewish People every year, I.Aliyev called the great struggle and sacrifice of Warsaw ghetto prisoners against fascism and national-religious discrimination in April, 1943 to be one of the glorious pages of the history of mankind: "This event became the symbol of the victory of human dignity over slander and violence, is not only the day of misfortune of Jews but also an example of heroism of Jewish nation for their national rights. The genocide committed against this people during the Second World, six million innocent people becoming victim of fascism and race discrimination is always in the mind of mankind for its massiveness and mercilessness".
Head of state said that, people of Azerbaijan was never indifferent to this calamity , shared the grief of Jews closely: "Our people also survived such tragedies, Armenian fascism perpetrated massacres, plundering, terrible terror acts in the territories of Azerbaijan, pursued genocide , deportation and ethnic clearing policy against our nation in the different stages of the last two hundred-years of history as well as aftermath 1988.I want to note with great feeling of pity that though all these were committed before the eyes of the world and civilized mankind historical justice has not been restored so far.
We announce that we denounce national-race discrimination, ethnic-religious intolerance, genocide, terror crimes regardless of its place and geography, call on international community, developed world states to mobilize their energies in struggle against such calamities."
I.Aliyev stated that he shares the grief of Jewish people on behalf of people of Azerbaijan in the end of the address.