USA conducts the work on program of aid to Azerbaijan.

The agency Trend reports, this was declared during press conference of co-chairmen of Azerbaijan- American working group on cooperation and assistance in economic reforms and transition to market relations of the Minister of finances of AR Avez Alekperov and coordinator of the Bureau of assistance to European and Eurasian states of the US state department Thomas Adams.
The volumes of US financial assistance to Azerbaijan for financial 2004 were $62,5mln.
A.Alekperov said, Azerbaijan plans increasing these volumes in financial 2005, at that achieving to level of $75mln is possible. At that, it is planned to direct finances for realization of projects in the area of small and middle entrepreneurship, education and health, development of new law, regulating insurance activity in the state etc.
In his turn, ?.Adams indicated, USA wishes rendering assistance to Azerbaijan during transition to market economy, as the Republic is strategic partner of USA.
?.Adams also indicated, this year USA decrease volumes of assisting to other states due to some internal reasons. "However, we asked not tot decrease volumes of aid to Azerbaijan as during the time of effectiveness of section 907 freedom support act, we didn't accomplish it fully", ?.Adams indicated.
In his turn, ?.Alekperov indicated, during rendering assistance for financial 2004 in amount of $62,5mln, the sums of rendering assistance for defense and fight against drugs are not taken into account.
T.Adams, it is planned increasing assistance up to $70 mln in 2005. Financial aid in amount of $31 mln is to be allocated to Agency on international cooperation of USA (USAID), which renders assistance in three main directions: $8 mln -for realization of humanitarian programs, $11 mln - for support of initiatives of private sector, $8 mln for support of democracy. Balance finances are spent for small project.
Besides, $5 mln is allocated for rendering of assistance to law enforcement bodies, 48,5 mln for military purposes, $1mln for rendering of expert services to the State treasury, $11-11,5 mln on realization of the program of utilization of old military resources.