The opening ceremony of the monument of the late president Heydar Aliyev was held in the park situated in front of the Republican Palace.

The state head Ilham Aliyev, his wife Mehriban Aliyeva, the members of the government, the deputies and the members of the society participated in the festive ceremony. The guard in honour of the state head Ilham Aliyev stood in front of the monument. The state head laid a wreath on the monument made a speech: "We gathered here for the opening ceremony of the monument of nation-wide leader Heydar Aliyev. There are 20 reasons of setting up the monument in this square. Firstly, the palace in front which this monument is set up was built in the initiative of the late president Heydar Aliyev; secondly this park is one of the mass rest centers of the people". In the periods of Heydar Aliyev's power, the strategic programs and projects were put into practice determining beforehand the economic, political and military development of the country.
"The economics of Azerbaijan developed only in the period of Heydar Aliyev's power. During his authority many enterprises were built in Azerbaijan, our country became one of the most advanced countries in USSR. In his working period as a secretary general of Central Committee of the Azerbaijan Communist Party all of his works were reflected in people's life. There was a development in agriculture; the well-being of the people lived in villages improved. Great events took place in the cultural life of Azerbaijan. In a word, the 70th s can be called the prosperity period of Azerbaijan. We lived in different public-political structure, though Heydar Aliyev proved once again that a real leader can serve its nation under any condition and can take its nation to the future. It is not accidental that when Heydar Aliyev was elected the member of the Political Bureau and went to work to Moscow, Azerbaijan was most developing country of USSR".
The state head said that when Heydar Aliyev worked in Moscow he did his best for the industrial potential of Azerbaijan to work in the full power and for developing the industrial sector. "Only in the initiative of Heydar Aliyev the military school named by Jamshid Nakhchivanski began its work in Baku in 70th. The officers serving in Azerbaijan army today is followers of this school. Heydar Aliyev knew as if Azerbaijan would become an independent country, its nation will be liberate, and Azerbaijan will take its decently place in the world unity".
The state head informed the participants about the development indicators of Azerbaijan in the period of the Heydar Aliyev's authority with comparative numerals. "In 1993 Azerbaijan was the most remaining behind country of the region, but now we became the leader country of the region. That times Azerbaijan's budget was out of money resources, however now out country's currency resources is about 2 milliard dollars. At present Azerbaijan have a regular army, and this army can solve our security problems. In 1993 there was an economic decline in Azerbaijan, but now Azerbaijan is the leader country for its economic development speed both of the region, and the world".
Ilham Aliyev also stated that the politics conducted by the late president Heydar Aliyev in connection with the Nagorno Karabakh conflict was continued today as well. "Heydar Aliyev kept a single meaning in the solving of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict. Heydar Aliyev always stressed that this problem must be solved in the frame of the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. This method of approaching is still the main principle of the negotiations carrying out in connection of this conflict. It is gratifying event that the international arena protects the Azerbaijan justified position".
He also said that the statehood traditions of Heydar Aliyev and will be immortalized and continued. "We are conducting works in the field of strengthening of the army. The expenses allocated for the army raise year after year. The course of Heydar Aliyev will be followed in continuing the economic reforms, foreign politics". After the speech, the president Ilham Aliyev and his wife Mehriban Aliyeva, the deputy Jalal Aliyev and professor Agil Aliyev had their memorial photo taken in front of the monument of the late president Heydar Aliyev. Then the president walked the territory of the park and closely familiarized with the reconstruction works carried out here.