Results of the sociological poll, carried out on the initiative of the Centre for sociological researches "Gullop International" in April, in the South Caucasus countries and aimed at the studying of the degree of trust of Armenians, Georgians and Azerbaijanis to the first persons of a number of countries, revealed that the 2003 presidential elections in Azerbaijan were democratic, chairman of the State Committee on Azerbaijanis, living abroad, Nazim Ibragimov told Trend.

According to the information, spread by the "Regnum" Russian information agency with reference to the Armenian media, per 1000 people participated in the poll from different layers of society in each country. It turned out, that the Armenian President Kocharyan is trusted: by Azerbaijanis - 0 %, Georgians - 19%, Armenians - 63%. The Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev is trusted: by Armenians - 2%, Georgians - 38%, Azerbaijanis - 77%. The Georgian President, Mikhail Saakashvili is trusted: by residents of Armenia - 26%, Azerbaijan - 45%, in Georgia - 72 %.
Ibragimov noted that as one can see, the trust percentage of Azerbaijanis to President Aliyev is higher, than the trust of Armenians to Kocharyan, and Georgians to Saakashvili. This figure, according to him, nearly corresponds to the figure, that had been stated after the 2003 elections. At that time it had been announced that 76% of the population voted for Aliyev. "But with the time certain political forces tried to present these results as fraudulent", Ibragimov said. He stressed that this result is also the response to some international organizations which want to cast a shadow on Azerbaijan and its leader.
The political analyst, Rasim Musabekov also confirms that the per cent of people's trust to President Aliyev is rather high. In this connection he considers the figure, presented by the Centre of sociological researches "Gullap International" quite true. Such high rating of the Azerbaijani President Musabekov finds natural, taking into account the mentality of the Azerbaijani people. "But this rating can easily collapse again due to the same mentality in case of 3 or 4 serious failures from the part of Aliyev. Therefore, there is no need to be under a delusion on this account", political analyst said.