"The agenda of the Council of Europe June session has already included the discussion of issue about Azerbaijan.

The Session agenda will be ready during this week and we'll be informed about the issue for discussion. It is known that, the discussions will be about development and formation of democratic institutions in Azerbaijan".
APA was told by head of Azerbaijani delegation to Council of Europe Samad Seyidov. He stated that, among our obligations before the Council of Europe the issue to be discussed is the forthcoming election. According to S. Seyidov, the CE has more concern in the election issue, which is additions to the Election Code, authority-opposition dialogue, freedom of assembly, condition of press before election: "Establishment of Public Television, condition of investigation of the murder of the late chief editor of the magazine "Monitor" and other issues are expected to be discussed. However, these issues might be discussed in complex as the content of the topic". S.Seyidov stated that, the matters shown in the report announced by CE Monitoring Committee are expected to be discussed in CE June session.
Deputy didn't consider the inclusion of political prisoner matter into the agenda of CE to be real:"It isn't possible for such matters to remain out of the attention of CE unambiguously. Azerbaijan did a lot for solving this matter and achieved positive results as you see". S.Seyidov expressed his confidence that efforts will be reinforced for removing some existing problems until the next session.