
28 October 2005 [19:47]

Countries of Schengen zone refuse to distribute Azerbaijanis visas for Austria

Hard times are having Azeri travelers departing from Azerbaijan to Austria. The reason is simple – they cannot acquire Schengen visa for Austria in Azerbaijan.
28 October 2005 [17:40]

Final results of the Parliamentary elections will be announced at 7 p.m. on November 7

"Final results from polling stations will be declared on the next day of the elections – November 7, at 7 p.m.," announced the head of "Elections" Information Center of the Central Election Commission Igbal Babayev.
28 October 2005 [17:13]

Georgia assists Azerbaijan with inking procedures

Georgia will provide technical assistance to Azerbaijan during the parliamentary elections scheduled for November 6, 2005.
28 October 2005 [15:59]

Chairman of PACE's Legal Issues and Human Rights Committee visits Baku on October 30

Deputy Chairman of Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe (PACE) Committee on Legal Issues and Human Rights Eduard Lintner and German deputy Verner Munchin will visit Azerbaijan on October 30.
28 October 2005 [15:28]

Representatives of Azeri and Armenian communities of Nagorno-Karabakh met in Berlin

However the meeting and exchange of ideas did not bring any progress in the dialogue between two sides since no compromise was made.
28 October 2005 [14:18]

Presentation on Azerbaijan will be held in Sweden in December

An event dedicated to Azerbaijan will be held in the building of the executive power of Husie region of Malmo, Sweden in the first week of December this year. Chairman of "Khazar" club functioning in Sweden, Leyli Kiani will deliver a lecture called "History, culture and present truths of Azerbaijan".
28 October 2005 [13:56]

No more candidates will be able to withdraw from the campaign

The Central Elections Commission informed today that the term for recall of candidacies for participation in the November 6 parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan is over.
28 October 2005 [12:37]

Security councils secretaries of GUAM member states meet in Moldova on Thursday

The meeting of GUAM [Georgia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Moldova]security councils secretaries will be held in Chisinau, Moldova on November 3.
27 October 2005 [22:31]

Goris thinks that ending of occupation is the only way of solving Karabakh conflict

“Withdrawal of the occupation forces from Azerbaijan must be the main condition at the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict," said Steph Goris, the chairman of the West-European Council Interparliamentary Assembly at a meeting with the chairman of Milli Majlis [Parliament]Murtuz Alasgarov.
27 October 2005 [20:00]

Andres Herkel considers President's decree to be positive decision

Co-rapporteur on Azerbaijan of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Monitoring Committee Andres Herkel comments on the recent decree of the President Ilham Aliyev.
27 October 2005 [18:36]

Azerbaijan may become a permanent member of Inter-parliamentary Assembly of the West-European Union

"I will start deeming the issue of sending an invitation to the official Baku on involvement of Azerbaijan in a work of the Inter-parliamentary Assembly of the West-European Union (IAWU) as the organization’s permanent member," stated the IAWU chairman Stef Goris on October 26.
27 October 2005 [18:07]

Norwegian ambassador comments problems that may occur with inking procedure

Steinar Gil: Decree of Azerbaijan’s President is positive response on OSCE, CE and Venice Commission recommendations
27 October 2005 [17:43]

All election precincts are now accessible by phone

Over 4500 polling stations in Azerbaijan will be accessible by phone on the elections day.
27 October 2005 [15:45]

Foreign NGOs may be allowed to observe elections in Azerbaijan

Special session of the parliament held on October 28 will discuss a possibility of lifting the prohibition.
27 October 2005 [15:12]

YAP will mark end of campaigning on November 4 by a huge rally

Yeni Azerbaijan Party (YAP) plans to rally on the same day as Azadliq block.
27 October 2005 [14:51]

"Azadliq" block asks Baku City to allow opposition run concert at Republican Stadium

"Azadliq" political bloc has applied to Baku City Executive Power for permission to hold a rally and a concert on November 4 at the Republican Stadium named after Tofiq Bahramov.
27 October 2005 [14:24]

Candidates withdraw in numbers

More candidates have left the campaign.
27 October 2005 [14:21]

Father of the arrested ex-minister Yusifov appeals to Ilham Aliyev

Committee for the Defense of Rights of ex-minister of Finances Fikret Yusifov, who was arrested on October 16 informs that his father Huseyn Yusifov appealed to the President Ilham Aliyev.
27 October 2005 [13:33]

Number of international observers goes up

According to the Central Election Commission number of foreign observers has reached 401.
27 October 2005 [12:33]

European Troika arrives in Baku on Friday

The trio includes representatives of the present and future chairing countries of the EU – the UK (from July to January 2005) and Austria (from January to June 2006), as well as representatives from the EU.
26 October 2005 [22:29]

OSCE helps Azerbaijan to upgrage storages with hazardous rocket fuel

OSCE intends to provide technical and financial assistance for modernization of two outdated "melange" rocket fuel storage sites situated in Azerbaijan.
26 October 2005 [20:57]

Farhad Aliyev's appeal was rejected

The Court of Appeals under the chairmanship of judge Mirpasha Husseynova after reviewing the case decided to leave the sentence imposed by the Sabail district court.
26 October 2005 [20:08]

Azeri politicians comment statement of Robert Kocharyan

Azeri politiicians were commenting on the statement of Armenian President on a necessity of providing an oportunity for Nagorno-Karabakh to join the international community and the danger presented by Azerbaijan with its increasing military budget.
26 October 2005 [19:33]

US greets the decision of Ilham Aliyev on the usage of ink to mark voters

"United States find the latest decisions of the President Ilham Aliyev on preparations to the parliamentary elections to be a new step on the way of democratic development ", the US Ambassador to Azerbaijan Reno Harnish said in a statement on October 26, 2005 at a meeting with journalists.
26 October 2005 [17:28]

Director of Caucasus project of International Crisis Group arrives in Baku this evening

Director of the Caucasus project of the International Crisis Group (ICG) Sabina Freizer is expected to arrive in Baku this evening.
26 October 2005 [16:52]

More candidates withdraw from the campaign

The Central Election Committee informs about new withdrawals.
26 October 2005 [16:06]

Monitoring shows no violations of ceasefire regime

The monitoring held on October 25, 2005 in the area of Bursunlu village of Terter district, at the front line showed no ceasefire violations during the monitoring, held in the first half of the day.
26 October 2005 [15:17]

Insanov's lawyers ask Ilham Aliyev to release their client

President has been appealed with a request of releasing Ali Insanov on bail.
26 October 2005 [15:09]

Appeal of Farhad Aliyev will be reviewed today

The Court of Appeals will consider the appeal of the arrested Ex-Minister of Economic Development Farhad Aliyev on Wednesday.
26 October 2005 [14:44]

National Democratic Institute probably will be again deprived of observing elections

The National Democratic Institute (NDI) was not granted a mandate to observe the November 6 elections to Milli Majlis (parliament) in Azerbaijan.
26 October 2005 [14:23]

62 local and 130 foreign journalists received accreditation in CEC

Up to date 130 foreign journalists have been registered in the Central Election Commission (CEC)
26 October 2005 [14:14]

US ambassador Reno Harnish plans to visit Ganja tomorrow

The USA extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador to Azerbaijan Reno Harnish will leave Baku for Ganja tomorrow. According to the information given to APA from the press service of the USA Embassy, the ambassador will attend in Ganja on October 27 the opening ceremony of hostel attached to the boarding school #1 named after Pasha Huseynov.
26 October 2005 [14:11]

Demonstration on October 30 replaced by concert on November 4

"Azadliq block decided to replace its demonstration scheduled on October 30 by a rally -concert on 4 November 2005 at the Tofik Bahramov Republican Stadium", said the chairman of the Popular Front Party of Azerbaijan (PFPA)[reformists wing] Ali Kerimli at a news conference on October 24.
25 October 2005 [22:44]

Muradverdiev and Sadychov sacked for the same coup accusation

The Ministry of National Security, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and General Prosecutor Office made statement, however more or less expected in Azeri society: "Former administrator of the President's Executive Akif Muradverdiev and the Head of the state owned company Azerkimya Fikret Sadychov were also involved in the coup attempt".
25 October 2005 [19:30]

Famil Babayev: "Insanov is a defendant not a criminal"

The lawyer of the former Minister of Health Ali Insanov, Toghrul Babayev appealed against the decision of the Nasimi district court. The lawyer presented the appeal to the Court of Appeals today.
25 October 2005 [19:22]

Andres Herkel: "I am concerned with the pre-election situation in Azerbaijan"

The co-rapporteur of the PACE Monitoring Committee, Andres Herkel is not satisfied with the pre-election situation in Azerbaijan.
25 October 2005 [17:11]

Monitoring of cease of fire regime is scheduled in Terter district

Special representative of OSCE chairman-in-office plans to monitor an area near the village Borsunlu of Terter district where the Azeri and Armenian military lines are.
25 October 2005 [16:22]

Rasul Guliev announced when he plans to arrive again in Baku

«My return to Baku will happen in the period between 31 of October and 3 of November», informed Rasul Guliev our correspondent who has contacted Guliev over his phone today.
25 October 2005 [15:46]

Voter's finger will be stained in ink during November 6 elections

Our source informs that this decision was initiated by the head of the state.
25 October 2005 [15:34]

Azerbaijan continues its participation in the NATO’s “Partnership for Peace” program

According to the special program signed between NATO and Azerbaijan, “Officers of Main Medical Service headquarters” course will be conducted in the frame of the “Partnership for Peace” program in Oberammergau city, Germany from October 24 to 28.
25 October 2005 [13:53]

Report of Venice Commission experts on the Election Code adopted

A report prepared by experts of the Venice Commission (VC) of the Council of Europe on additions and changes to be made to the Election Code of Azerbaijan was adopted in the plenary sitting of VC held in Venice on October 21-22.
25 October 2005 [12:46]

Isa Gambar held press conference on results of his visit to Ukraine

Musavat party leader Isa Gambar held a press conference on October 24 where he reported about his visit to Ukraine. Musavat leader stated that, though he received many invitations from Ukrainian colleagues he could not visit all of them due to a shortage of time.
24 October 2005 [23:12]

Firdovsi Afandiyev joins brother, ex-chief of Ganja police in prison

Brother of ex-chief of Ganja Police Office Natig Afandiyev, Firdovsi Afandiyev was detained yesterday.
24 October 2005 [15:17]

Head of Azerkimya is dismissed from his post

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev signed a decree dismissing Fikret Sadychov from the post of the President of the Azerkimya state company.
24 October 2005 [14:15]

Armenian troops break again the ceasefire regime

The Defense Ministry of Azerbaijan announced that armed forces of Armenia violated the ceasefire regime on Sunday, October 23.
24 October 2005 [13:32]

More candidates withdraw from the campaign

For the last two days 31 candidates withdrew their candidacy. APA was informed about it from the “Elections” Information Center of the Central Election Commission (CEC).
24 October 2005 [12:54]

Brothers of ex-minister Farhad Aliyev are being pushed out from high echelons of power

One brother looses his job as a head of the Construction and Park Economy Department of the mayor’s office. Another brother once of a sudden gets ill and withdraws his candidacy with less than two weeks remaining to the elections.
24 October 2005 [12:23]

President signs a program on development of communications and IT for 2005-2008

President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev signed a decree adopting the State Program on development of communications and information technologies of Azerbaijan for 2005-2008 (E - Azerbaijan).
24 October 2005 [12:08]

Ex-ministers received court's sentence

Ex-ministers Aliyev and Insanov are sentenced to spend three months in jail. Ex-minister of Finances is choosing himself lawyers.
24 October 2005 [12:02]

Freedom House: restrictions might doubt the elections

October 21, 2005 -- With less than three weeks until parliamentary elections in Azerbaijan, the authorities’ restrictions on a range of rights cast serious doubt on the ability of average Azeri citizens to enjoy a free and fair vote on November 6, Freedom House said today.
24 October 2005 [12:00]

Ombudsman of Azerbaijan visits Ganja

Elmira Suleymanova, the Ombudsman of Azerbaijani, visited Ganja city and held a meeting with the local population on Saturday, October 22. This was already the 13th in line, as she organized similar events in other districts.
23 October 2005 [18:42]

Azadliq block's demonstration failed - UPDATED

October 23 – the date when Azadliq political block’s attempted to run an unsanctioned demonstration and failed to do so because of an absence of people.
22 October 2005 [22:49]

Director General of “Ganja Clayey Soil” Production Union, Gismat Hasanov arrested

The director general of “Ganja Clayey Soil” production Union (PU) and a close relative of the former minister of economic development Farhad Aliyev, Gismat Hasanov was arrested yesterday.
22 October 2005 [22:35]

Ex-minister of Economical Development is sentenced to spend three months in jail

Farhad Aliyev arrested last week was sentenced today by a court to spend three months in jail.
22 October 2005 [16:08]

146 candidates will campaign to be elected to Supreme Majlis of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

There will be 45 election precincts opened on the territory of the autonomous republic.
22 October 2005 [15:55]

Kyrgyztan joins Azerbaijan in cooperation with Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

Kyrgyzstan supports the steps taken by Azerbaijan for removal of the isolation of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus”, said Arslan Maleyev, the head of the Kyrgyz parliamentary delegation currently visiting Girna city of the Northern Cyprus.
22 October 2005 [14:29]

Rasul Guliev: "On Monday I will tell everybody why I was unable to come home"

An exclusive interview of Day.az correspondent with the ex-speaker and the leader of the Democratic Party of Azerbaijan Rasul Guliev.
22 October 2005 [13:54]

Arkadi Gukasyan: ”Sooner or later Azerbaijan will have to start talks with Nagorno Karabakh”

“The Republic Nagorno Karabakh is de-facto democratic country”, stated the Head of separatist regime in Nagorno Karabakh Arkadi Gukasyan in his interview to Russian television in Khankendi.
22 October 2005 [13:22]

4523 local and 224 foreign elections observers registered by CEC

5260 citizens applied to the Central Election Commission (CEC) for observing the parliamentary elections", informed the pres service of the CEC.
22 October 2005 [13:12]

Azadliq political block stays firm in his decision to rally even inspite of police warning

The Mayor’s Office of Baku did not sanction the “Azadlig” bloc to hold a rally-march on traditional routes on 23 October. The press service of the bloc informs that the Head of the Executive Power of Baku Hajibala Abutalibov said that he will authorize the rally only if it is held in one of the five routes suggested by the Mayor’s Office.
22 October 2005 [12:49]

AzTV limits paid broadcast time for candidates to three minutes

All of paid air time till November 5 of the “Azerbaijan Television and Radio Telecasts” Closed Joint-Stock Company reserved for Parliamentary candidates has been distributed informed the director of the department of the TV company Rafig Karimov.
22 October 2005 [12:46]

EU delegation will visit Azerbaijan on October 27

The delegation will consist of EU special representative for the South Caucasus Heike Talvitie, special representative of British government who chairs the EU for the South Caucasus Brian Faull, head of British Foreign Ministry’s Eastern Department Simon Smith, European Commission delegate Kurt Yuul, representative of Austrian Foreign Ministry, ambassador Gerer.
22 October 2005 [11:46]

Two Italian observation missions will follow the Parliamentary elections on November 6

Press service of the Italian embassy in Azerbaijan informed today that Italy is planning to send two observation missions to follow the parliamentary elections scheduled for 6 November.
22 October 2005 [11:41]

Petition of 500 candidates calls to employ inking during elections

Three days passing since Andreas Gross has spoken on advantages of using ink stamping to mark voted persons his idea was seconded by 500 candidates who signed a petition asking to employ the inking of fingers during the voting process.
21 October 2005 [20:03]

Independent leads 16,1 percents over Isa Gambar in candidates race

An independent candidate from the second Narimnov voting precinct number 20 Adil Aliyev continues in the candidate race in the same precinct with the leader of the oppositional Musavat party Isa Gambar.
21 October 2005 [17:52]

Ali Insanov turns to be donor of the coup attempt

The Ministry of National Security informed that in the process of investigation has been discovered that the ex-minister of Finance Fikret Yusifov entrusted by Rasul Guliev constantly met with Ali Insanov who agreed to finance the coup.
21 October 2005 [16:35]

Statement of Day.Az editorial office

On October 20 Day.Az information agency spread the news that the President of Azebraijan Ilham Aliyev dismissed the Minister of Education Misir Mardanov and the Minister of Labor and Social Security Ali Nagiev.
21 October 2005 [15:42]

Fried tells the condition for US to recognize results of November 6 elections

“United States will accept the results of the Parliamentary elections if the difference between official results and results of exit-polls will not exceed two percents”.
21 October 2005 [15:03]

The information on the arrest of the Head of "Azerkimya" is not confirmed yet - UPDATED

Today was arrested the head of “Azerkimya” [Azeri Chemistry] concern and a deputy of the Parliament of Azerbaijan Republic Fikret Sadychov.
21 October 2005 [14:42]

Mann clarifies position of official Washington on the solution of Karabakh conflict

The OSCE Minsk Group US co-chair, the chief advisor and the US State Secretary special envoy on Nagorny Karabakh and Euro-Asian conflicts Steven Mann who arrived on Wednesday evening in Baku held a press conference on October 20.
21 October 2005 [14:13]

Misir Mardanov rebuffs the fact of his resignation

Misir Mardanov, the Minister of Education rebuffed the information about his resignation and arrest spread yesterday by the media.
21 October 2005 [13:51]

The Parliament adopts budget for year 2006

13 bills including the budget package were adopted today on the session of the Milli Majlis (Parliament).
21 October 2005 [13:25]

New Minister of Economical Development plans to set changes in the structure of the ministry

“Structural and personnel changes are on their way for the Ministry of Economic Development,” said newly appointed Minister of Economic Development Heydar Babayev.
21 October 2005 [11:13]

High ranking member of the ruling party comments on chances of the opposition in the upcoming elections

Opposition's stands are weak among people and it will not be able to gain their votes, thinks the deputy of an executive secretary of the ruling Yeni Azerbaijan [New Azerbaijan] Party Siyavush Novruzov.
20 October 2005 [21:45]

Two oppositional leaders meet in Kiev, Ukraine

Rasul Guliev leader of the Democratic Party of Azerbaijan has met with the chairman of Musavat Party Isa Gambar while visiting Kiev,Ukraine.